I started with a screenshot of myself on zoom. Then I used my non-dominant hand to draw myself (not really blindly, though bc I tried that and I wasn’t satisfied) on a piece of paper. Then I chose a transparent fabric that was originally used for caging insects at work. When a co-worker took them home to wash and put in a dryer, he discovered that the dryer melted parts of the fabric which rendered the material unsuitable for work. It could have landed in the landfill, and who knows how, but somehow it landed in my bag, and somehow it ended up here stitched up for my self portrait. Mysteries of life.
I used it as my contribution to the collaborative installation, Sending Love, with Maggie Yee, Manon Wada and Reiko Fujii which featured the mail art that occurred over the past few years and our self portaits. Below is the process of making this work and its final destination.