- so far so good!
- so far so good! check out those thunderthighs! Also my friend says she looks like she has gout!
I’m starting a new painting. This is the first time I’ve touched paint in the last 3 years (if you don’t count painting the siding of my house). This idea has been brewing in my mind for the past 6 months, and it’s not leaving, so this has to be done. I’m really bad at painting or drawing figures. I’ve found the best way was to draw people with my non-dominant hand, which seem so honest and authentic like it has a beginner mind, and the paint figures I’m thinking to paint them all upside down, so my brain can let go of expectations and assumptions. I wish life were this easy. I work solely at night (because of my pesky daytime job), so a lot of these images are going to be dark.