My group, Bay Area Flash Mob, performs Thriller every year for the past 7 years. They perform at Mayhem Manor and also at Oakland Museum. Since we took all that time getting all dressed up, after the performance at Mayhem Manor, I could not pass the chance of going to Target and doing a more extensive photo shoot. Last year, I went to Target by myself and had to position the phone, set up self timers or had to do selfies. Alone, I felt very self conscious. But I had help this year. I’m grateful to have my friend, Britney Briggs agree to be a model and a collaborator in this nonsense project. Note: This was done with a camera phone. I have no illusion that the technique in this whole project is bad: bad photography, badly done makeup for a zombie, and bad acting, but I just wanted to manifest an idea that’s been brewing in my head for over a year, and get a chuckle. This is just a personal project I want to document for no reason at all. It seemed like a good idea at the time.
With that disclaimer, I present Samara, the girl from the Ring, a zombie from financial district, Dan Gerstein (who teaches BollyX when not a zombie) and Britney Briggs as Farrah Fawcett like zombie, but not really Farrah Fawcett, because she’s still alive.
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