More of my first dive into the world of large scale sculpture. I’ve had this vision for a couple of years now. It’s about not making compromises, about being more accepting, less self critical, about boundaries, about not making concessions of my vision to the limitations set by what is easier, more practical. I’ve done enough of that. This project, according to my therapist, gave me an excuse to what I’ve been wanting to do for a long time. She said I know what I’ve wanted but needed an excuse and this was it. I don’t know if she was right, because there were also a lot of other factors into making this project as large and as cumbersome as possible. I am looking forward to this installation.
- my silhouette cutout! I’m so excited here.
- Oops! Looks like I’ve gained a few pounds! Because I cut out a large portion of the poultry wire, I no longer had tension in the middle and being that the structure is still somewhat curved, it also didn’t help. Oh well. The chair was initially there for scale, but a lot of people liked the chair there. I’m not sure if it will be there or not in its final version.
- Placing the felt on the outside to help cover the entire structure. By the way, that pair of clippers was not used to cut wire, but to cut some sharp edges of the bamboo splits.
- I wondered what it would look like completely covered. Now I know.