Anyway, even if I can’t be consistent in anything else, at least I still go to dance classes consistently and whip out a drawing… even if it is terrible and even if it is just another passenger looking at their phone, unaware of their surroundings. siiiiggggghhhhhh.
non dominant hand drawing 08/03/2015
I wish I were more consistent about this blogging thing. I can’t remember what happened on this exact day. I remember wanting to invite someone to see my performance the last couple of days, but then after I mentioned it to him, I immediately retracted my invitation. That was embarrassing. I was ambivalent about it, and I shouldn’t have opened my mouth. Measure twice, cut once. That’s what they say in woodworking. I can’t wait for that class to start again. It will remind me to slow down. Most times I just want to cut and skip the measuring because I just want to get to the fun part.