Anyway, when I did have time to sit down and focus on one thing, I tried to draw whoever it is I’m looking at and on Saturday mornings, I stare at Jay, my woodworking teacher. Of course I take notes too, as you can see, but mostly I just try to draw him… sometimes with my right hand and left hand, if I can remember to switch. I think this day was focused on the “most sophisticated tool” there is: the Japanese plane, so simple, sublime and accurate.
Drawing 3/21/2015 (i know i’m pretty lame.)
I know. It’s been a whole month since I last posted. I could give copious excuses why I have not posted… and here they are: Some of it is due to dance classes. Some of it is due to woodworking. Some of it is due to this low energy thing I’ve been feeling and most of it is due to reasons beyond my understanding. Maybe I’ll confess in another post other reasons I have not posted. Maybe not.