Anyway, I present you bad drawing of the day:
daily drawing 12/13/2014
I think someday I am going to do a better drawing about this day. You see, I attended a protest today. Though I wanted to draw, I felt I had to do more than draw and observe. I had to participate on this day, but I swear i will do a better drawing. Then it was also Santacon day so mixed in with our protest was a bunch of drunken Santas. Weird mix. Unfortunately I drew neither the protest nor Santacon. I drew people on the bart and very badly too. Sometimes we have off days. I seem to be having lots of them lately. Too much stress maybe from the holidays and my deadline of making 20 dioramas by the end of December.
and, i totally love this drawing – that mouthless man, the weight of the lines. there is something really powerful and felt here.
thanks. i feel it’s all unresolved.