Shitage Kama is a two-shouldered mortise and tenon with a half dovetail, double wedged in. I googled it and others have called it Stringer to Leg joint. Jay said that this is one of the strongest joints and one that he uses often. You can make a sawhorse with this joint. I’m nowhere near there, but I’m enjoying myself, focusing, messing up and learning. I want as many mistakes as I’ve made to be shown because they are evidence of my struggles, my perseverance and my experience. Oh. I’m not done! Still need to make the wedges.
- this is the idea.
- the dot reminds me that to chisel this out differently
- seems like even making a line with a ruler is hard!
- I got the pen Jay recommended, but see how I made mistakes and I can’t erase them!
- marked the waste
- imperfect chiseling job
- i had a bad feeling about this.
- sawed too much on this one.
- i didn’t saw it all to the bottom of the shoulder.
- The sawing job is still uneven, especially at the shoulders.
- you can see it’s a bit off.
- note the gap. I haven’t figured out why this happened or how to fix it, but it was already 11 pm, so i stopped.