So I ventured into the realm of commenting on a blog today. I don’t do this. I like to fly under the radar. But it was late and it seemed like a good idea at the time, so I commented. But afterwards, I panicked a little, like… maybe it was too hasty. I do put my foot in my mouth quite often and my comment was going against the majority (ok, –all) of the other posted comments. So I emailed the guy asking him to delete the comment but I guess he thought it was a useful comment because the next day he posted something mentioning me. I admit I cringed. Ah.. the cost of not being anonymous. But thank you sweet Jesus…. at least this time I didn’t eff up. He responded, and I responded to his response, and I may have said too much in that response, but goshdarnit I am going to embrace all the mistakes I make (…and I’ll probably continue to make them until I learn from them).
So… here’s a drawing of my big mouth, my tongue and my weird teeth (I didn’t color in all the fillings in my molar, but it seems imperfect enough, I don’t need to embellish even more.)
Oh, I have a dentist appointment tomorrow, so this is a preview of what I’ll be doing anyway.
PS. Just realized yesterday’s drawing is of my foot. And today it’s my mouth! Get it? Foot in mouth? I did not plan this. My mentor quotes some other wise person who said, “your art knows before you do.” I guess so!